Samsung unveils mirror and transparent OLED Displays

Samsung has unveiled two new displays in Hong Kong; one is the mirror display and another one is transparent OLED display. Both of which are the technology of future and very cool too. At the event, Samsung showcased both of these OLED displays and revealed its future plans on how they are planning to use them. While we believe they will be coming to the advertising industry very soon, Samsung says that it has bigger plans.

Samsung wants to integrate it with Intel’s RealSense technology. With the help of which it plans to transform the mirror display into virtual changing room. So, that consumers can use these high-tech mirror displays to see what jewelries, shoes or even clothes look like on them before actually trying them.

Samsung says its OLED display’s are a lot better than other displays in the market. It is sharper, clearer, comes with faster response time and has higher contrast. The company plans to use these transparent OLEDs for advertisements.

On a related note, Samsung is yet to reveal when we can expect to see a transparent smartphone.
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