4 Big Brands Working On WebAssembly To Make Web Faster

The genius minds behind technology seem to be coming together as Google, Microsoft, Mozilla and Apple announced to create a WebAssembly.

What is WebAssembly?

WebAssembly is a new binary format –bytecode that will be used in future browsers with a promise of about 20 times faster performance. Bytecode is a machine-readable instruction set that is faster for web browser to load as compared to high-level programming languages.

The reason for this new concept was to overcome the problems that the previous Java script was facing. The web still hasn’t utilized the full potential of asm.js and the giants like Google, Microsoft, Apple and Mozilla are teaming up to create this successor.

“We think this is the start of an exciting path for having your non-JavaScript source code run quickly and harmoniously with the rest of the Web,” says Microsoft’s Mike Holman in a blog post.

According to former Mozilla CEO Brendon Eich, the need for WebAssembly cannot be denied. He adds that Java script isn’t going away in future but WebAssembly would make things easier.

Programmer Ben Titzer from Google is also working on a new project to allow Chrome V8 JavaScript engine decode WebAssembly instruction. Along with that, Apple, WebKit developer Filip Pizlo also requested to bring WebAssembly support in Safari. “This standard has broad support, and we should continue to participate in discussions about how to make it great,” Pizlo said.

WebAssembly is expected to grow into portable bytecode for browsers. The early builds are showing advantages like the binary representation is 20 times faster to parse than the normal one today.

Mozilla and Google are the main teams behind the program and there working combines the best. There is no formal standards body behind it and it is still in the early stages of development but with major browser makers backing it, WebAssembly has a bright future.

WebAssembly will arrive sometime in future but this will not push JavaScript out the door of web browsing, instead they will work side by side. According to TechCrunch some parts of the application may use WebAssembly based modules while the user interface will be written mostly in JavaScript.
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